I am currently sharing my homestay with Jonathon and we went to a local village for Pottery. Here are our efforts, not very good.

under a watchful eye. We had coffee made from beans picked in the garden, bread from maize from the garden and a banana picked from the tree.

Even the cat was not impressed. Guess which one is the teachers?

One she made earlier...

Jonathon leaves on Thursday for 3 days in Tela. He has been warned. He is spending the next four months travelling around Central America.
Hi, Dave.
Enjoying the blog. A quick thought in case you should want some reading matter. There's a title in Time-Life's Lost Civilization series called The Magnificent Maya that covers Copan. It's a basic introduction to Mayan history and archaeology. I didn't work on that particular title, although friends did. I've checked abebooks.com and they currently have copies for just $1, plus postage.
If you want a novel set in Honduras, you could try Paul Theroux's The Mosquito Coast, although I remember it as being a bit grim. Not the sort of book to attract tourists.
Look after yourself.
All the best.
Hi Tony
Thanks for the tips. A bar here shows movies on Sunday night and last Sunday it was Mosquito Coast with Harrison Ford. I cant say that I was impressed though. It is quite a romantice setting for watching films though as the movies are shown under a thatch roof of banana palms and you sit in cane chairs and you can sip cocktails also.
Its tough out here but starting monday, the alarm will be going at 5:00am as the pick up leaves at 6:00 prompt. Registration is at 6.45 and school starts at 7:00 so I feel an afternoon siesta may be necessary.
Hi Dave,
am loving the blog.
am mighty impressed with your pottery efforts. if you want to join the chad pottery group on your return i'm sure we could find you a table!
all the best to you,
Becky Abrey
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