Tuesday, 5 February 2008


I am currently sharing my homestay with Jonathon and we went to a local village for Pottery. Here are our efforts, not very good.

under a watchful eye. We had coffee made from beans picked in the garden, bread from maize from the garden and a banana picked from the tree.

Even the cat was not impressed. Guess which one is the teachers?

One she made earlier...
Jonathon leaves on Thursday for 3 days in Tela. He has been warned. He is spending the next four months travelling around Central America.


Tony said...

Hi, Dave.
Enjoying the blog. A quick thought in case you should want some reading matter. There's a title in Time-Life's Lost Civilization series called The Magnificent Maya that covers Copan. It's a basic introduction to Mayan history and archaeology. I didn't work on that particular title, although friends did. I've checked abebooks.com and they currently have copies for just $1, plus postage.
If you want a novel set in Honduras, you could try Paul Theroux's The Mosquito Coast, although I remember it as being a bit grim. Not the sort of book to attract tourists.
Look after yourself.
All the best.

David Bunney said...

Hi Tony

Thanks for the tips. A bar here shows movies on Sunday night and last Sunday it was Mosquito Coast with Harrison Ford. I cant say that I was impressed though. It is quite a romantice setting for watching films though as the movies are shown under a thatch roof of banana palms and you sit in cane chairs and you can sip cocktails also.

Its tough out here but starting monday, the alarm will be going at 5:00am as the pick up leaves at 6:00 prompt. Registration is at 6.45 and school starts at 7:00 so I feel an afternoon siesta may be necessary.

b said...

Hi Dave,
am loving the blog.
am mighty impressed with your pottery efforts. if you want to join the chad pottery group on your return i'm sure we could find you a table!
all the best to you,
Becky Abrey